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not anymore 

not anymore

i've bugged enough ppl about this
pardon me for being so fussy/picky/choosy... [s:246]
[s:204]  [s:204]  [s:204]
what is a university degree has to do with work-out? and weight? and age?
fussy/picky/choosy... 看来看去都有PUSSY的错觉~
[quote]引用第2楼monkeycai于2009-05-15 22:37发表的  : pardon me for being so fussy/picky/choosy... [s:246][/quote] hell yeah~ ur excused buddy
[quote]引用第5楼liusiqing于2009-05-19 22:44发表的  : fussy/picky/choosy... 看来看去都有PUSSY的错觉~[/quote] u need glasses or contacts lol
[quote]引用第6楼光源氏于2009-05-19 23:09发表的  : 要求這麼苛刻,又84秘書[/quote] sry~

noRe:looking for a work-out buddy

[quote]引用第4楼darkspider于2009-05-17 23:50发表的  : what is a university degree has to do with work-out? and weight? and age?[/quote] nothing... u do the math yourself those are just things i need for a work out buddy ... it's not the same for everyone i guess
[quote]引用第1楼liusiqing于2009-05-15 15:06发表的  : 靠~[/quote] by the way, you look the same as 7 years ago, so good for you~botox??!!!!

Re:noRe:looking for a work-out buddy

[quote]引用第10楼dove于2009-05-22 08:24发表的 noRe:looking for a work-out buddy : nothing... u do the math yourself those are just things i need for a work out buddy ... it's not the same for everyone i guess[/quote] do the math myself? what is that suppose to mean? Maybe you should learn to use it properly.

Re:Re:noRe:looking for a work-out buddy

[quote]引用第12楼darkspider于2009-05-23 07:59发表的 Re:noRe:looking for a work-out buddy : do the math myself? what is that suppose to mean? Maybe you should learn to use it properly.[/quote] only if u knew what i meant
不好意思~ 我终于可以打中文了
本地不收征婚帖!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE OUT~ [s:204]
monkeycai is def'ly out... 我不征婚 我很苛刻而已
[s:204] 有老婆的就不可以了啊。。。
lz是男是女。。。绝对的找男友的嘛。。 [s:200] 群众的眼睛是雪亮的哦`
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