知名补习学校明德学院诚意聘请有资历的行政管理人员。 负责内容: - 负责规划国际留学生及本地学生教育规划 – 为学生家长提供教育咨询服务,收集资料 - 制定适合学生个人的学习教育计划 - 帮助完成大学申请 岗位要求: - 熟悉加拿大教育体制 (BC省教育体质) - 熟练 Microsoft 软件 - 中英文对话写作流利 - 有良好的客服服务 - 工作积极认真,学习能力强 - 有一年以上教育/行政管理经验者优先 请发简历到
Requirements: This role requires superior accuracy and attention to detail abilities particularly in editing documents and record-keeping. Exceptional time-management, problem solving and organizational skills are required to coordinate academic timetables and other cyclical processes and to meet multiple overlapping deadlines with frequent interruptions and changing demands. Familiar with BC secondary school system Candidates must be able to speak fluent English and Mandarin Please send your resume along with you cover letter to
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