Belcarra極罕、活潑恬靜、絕美海景合法雙屋地(共22080平方呎)海邊帶私人碼頭獨立屋、座落於秀麗之Deep Cove、Whiskey Cove 消閒水上活動最繁忙心臟地帶的一個帶灘小海灣、眼前是難得如畫般生動180度海天景色、大小船艇輕輕畫過時、輕濤拍岸美景盡入眼簾、夕陽晚霞、水面倒影夾著對面堤岸點點燈火輕倚 Mount Seymour 綠油油之山巒線,醉人景色、美不勝收。
這座現代獨立屋設有落地窗,即使在冬天也能最大限度地提高視野並帶來自然光。主層提供開放式廚房、用餐區、家庭房和客廳......走到有蓋的日光浴平台,享受俯瞰Indian Arm水晶般清澈海水進餐!3臥室加上2個半完整的浴室和2個套間,加上洗衣房和一個別緻酒吧。下層是一房全配套獨立樓層、有自己的出入口和壯麗的景色!走到你的私人碼頭...... 隨便也可抓螃蟹當晚餐
A Belcarra waterfront house with rarely legal double lots (a total of 22,080 square feet), private dock, and wide opened spectacular seaview in the heart of Deep Cove, Whiskey Cove’s perimeter. In front of you is a rare, vivid more than 180-degree scenery of the sea and sky within a peaceful yet lively bay, where most boating, kayaking, ….water sports activities are held. The adjacent big rock with a little beach during low tide, has naturally played an important role as a safe shelter to this bay, even further the uniqueness of this property.
You’ll never be bored with the exceptionally, poster-like beauty of the sunset mirroring the shadow of the opposite star-lightning shoreline makes this seaview unforgettable.
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