招聘 | |
语言偏好: | 普通话,英语; |
公司名称: | QE Home; |
公司所在行业: | 服务行业 - 娱乐 | 休闲; |
公司规模: | 100 - 299 (人); |
职位类型: | 合同; |
工作时间: | 全职或兼职; |
详情描述 etrotown store Hiring now: 1, One staff for the store stock helpers position, work time : one or two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) for work. 2, Two staffs for Sales Associates , Part-time position are available. Request: fluent in English. Multiple languages and Retail experience is priority! Interview time: Mon, Tue, Thursdays and Fri (1:00pm to 6:00pm). Bring your resume to our Metrotown store, directly get your interview! welcome to join our team!! Address: The store located on the third floor of Metrotown right beside the Food Count. Contact information: Tel: 604-434-0818 Or email: |
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