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出售科士蘭墓園(Forest Lawn) 兩塊豎碑福地 (坐北向南, 位置高, 風水好)

(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2024-06-23, 14:55
联系人 联系人: 周小姐
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电话 电话   : 7782231615


出售科士蘭墓園(Forest Lawn) 兩塊豎碑福地 (坐北向南, 位置高, 風水好)

Forest Lawn Legacy Gardens Phase 3


- 深草坪地穴 ,包含混凝土拱頂

- 福地有地契

- 坐北向南

- 豎碑

- 位於山上和風景好 環境幽美

轉讓價: $65,000/塊 (兩塊福地可一起或單獨購買)

有意者請致電/發短信/Whatsapp給 周小姐 Ms. Chow 778-223-1615


For sale: 2 side-by-side upright marker spaces in Forest Lawn (south-facing, picturesque views, good feng shui)

Forest Lawn Memorial Park - Legacy Gardens (Phase 3)

- Within a double-depth lot, each space can accommodate 2 coffins (side-by-side lots can accommodate 4 coffins total for both spaces together)

- Centrally-located lawn crypt with concrete vault

- Has official title certificates

- South-facing spaces with picturesque views

- Space that supports erection of upright markers (headstones)

- Nestled in hill surrounded by green space (good feng shui)

Transfer price: $65,000/space (2 spaces available to purchase together or individually)

If you are interested, please call/text/Whatsapp Ms. Chow at 778-223-1615




Vansky Copyright

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