招聘 | |
语言偏好: | 英语; |
公司名称: | Low Entropy Foundation; |
公司所在行业: | 服务行业 - 宗教 | 非盈利机构; |
公司规模: | 30 - 99 (人); |
职位类型: | 实习; |
工作时间: | 兼职; |
详情描述 Volunteer Opportunities with Low Entropy Foundation! Overview: Are you passionate about making a positive impact in your community? Low Entropy Foundation invites you to join us in our mission to enhance the social and economic wellbeing of vulnerable individuals across all cultures. With a strong commitment to honoring the traditions and perspectives of Indigenous and multicultural communities, we offer various volunteer opportunities to support our projects, including the Burquitlam Thrift Store, Poco Thrift Store, flyer distribution, and event ambassador roles. Position Description: Time and Location: The volunteer time and location will vary depending on the specific project and event schedule, as we are located in the Tri-Cities (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody) and surrounding areas. We will provide details and coordinate schedules with volunteers accordingly. Benefits: Make a meaningful impact in your community. To express your interest, please email volunteer@lowentropy.org We look forward to welcoming you to our team and working together to create positive change in our community! |
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