招聘 | |
语言偏好: | 英语; |
公司名称: | ML House; |
公司所在行业: | 服务行业 - 家政 | 保洁; |
公司规模: | 1 - 9 (人); |
职位类型: | 永久; |
工作时间: | 全职; |
详情描述 Hiring a Permanent Full time Home childcare providers care for children and start asap. The employee must care for the well-being and physical and social development of children, assist parents with child care and may assist with household duties, after school activities, school homeworks and etc. The employee provide care primarily in the employer’s home, children’s schools, doctor’s clinics and etc. This job is employed by private households.
Wage: $28/hour Work Hours: Flexible hours expecting working early morning, late night, and weekend Work Benefits are available extended healthy benefits and free parking. Working experience, skills and education are essential for the position. |
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