Vanice Heating & Air-Conditioning Ltd. 自1988年以來一直在低陸平原和大溫哥華地區提供專業的供暖和鍋爐服務。
客戶每天都會致電 Vanice 進行緊急空调和供暖維修、供暖系統維護和安裝各種品牌的灶爐、鍋爐、熱泵等。經驗豐富的技術人員,誠實、熱情的服務態度,合理的價格,贏得了客戶的一致好評。
Vanice 提供100%的滿意保證。公司必須購買責任險,BC省級人身傷害險,如果由此造成客戶損失或機械師受傷,保險公司賠付,保障客戶利益。
空调\ 爐 \ 鍋爐 \ 熱水器 \ 水缸 \ 即熱式熱水器 \ 燃氣壁爐 \ 熱泵 \ 暖通空調服務
- 24小時/7天,緊急服務
- 適用於住宅和商業建築
- 提供全方位服務
- 責任保險、BC人身傷害保險
- 認證的持牌煤氣工人
- 新安裝免費估價
聯絡電話:604-218-8572(英语), 604-717-4433(中文,粤语)
Vanice Heating & Plumbing Ltd has been providing expert heating and boiler services in the Lower Mainland & Greater Vancouver area since 1988.
Customers call on Vanice every day for emergency heating repairs, heating system maintenance and installation of various brands of furnaces, boilers, heat pumps and more. Experienced technicians, honest, friendly service attitude, and reasonable price have won unanimous praise from customers.
Vanice offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Companies have to buy liability insurance, BC provincial personal injury insurance, if the resulting loss of customers or mechanic injured by Insurance companies pay compensation to protect the interests of customers.
Furnace \ Boiler \ Water Heater \ Water Tank \ Tankless Water
\ Heaters \ Gas Fireplace \ Heat Pump \ Air Conditioning \ HVAC Services \ Plumbing Services
- 24hrs/7days emergency service
- Serves for commercial and residential buildings
- Provides full service
- Liability insurance, BC personal injury insurance
- Certified licensed gas worker
- Free estimate for new installation
Tel: 604-218-8572
Email: vaniceheating@gmail.com
Website: www.vaniceheating.com
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