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育儿教育课程书ECE program全套Early Childhood Education

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发布时间: 2021-12-27, 09:24
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1) LOOK: Looking Out Looking In, 4th Canadian Edition with MindTap 148.51 → $75

2)Essentials of Early Childhood Education Fifth Canadian Edition, 111.95→ 70

(3)Early Childhood Mathematics 5th Ed 137.66 →$75

(4)Well Beings: A Guide to Health in Child Care, 3rd Edition 99.93 →$55

(5)Outdoor and Nature Play in Early Childhood Education 120.00 →$60

(6)Child Development 9th Ed 213.89→ $90

(7)Observing Young Children: Transformative Inquiry, Pedagogical Documentation and Reflection (6th ed.) 114.95 →$55

(8)Music & Movement: A Way of Life for the Young Child 7th Ed 93.26 → $45

(9)Art and Creative Development for Young Children 8th Ed 154.23 →$75

(10)Positive Child Guidance 8th Ed 177.09 →$85

(11)Guiding Children’s Social Development and Learning: Theory and Skills, 9th Edition 154.95 → $75

(12)Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts 11th Ed 226.23 →$120

(13)Curriculum for Young Children 2nd Ed 125.66 → $65

$20 off if you get more than 3 books, $50 off more than 5 books

ALL FOR $900



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