地址: 7900 Westminster Hwy , Richmond , BC (麒麟餐厅楼下)
租金1080/月 + GST
(base rent + Triple net Total $ 1080.00/month + GST)
can operate business as(verify with city)
amusement centre
- body rub studio
- body painting studio
- broadcasting studio
- education, commercial
- education, university
- entertainment, spectator
- government service
- health service, minor
- liquor primary establishment
- manufacturing, custom indoor
- microbrewery, winery and
distillery [Bylaw 9490, Mar 21/16]
- office
- recreation, indoor
- religious assembly
- retail, adult
- retail, convenience
- retail, general
- retail, pawnshop
- retail, second hand
- service, business support
- service, financial
service, personal
- studio
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